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Do I "LOOOOVE" working out? No! But I noticed I was getting a little out of shape and I needed to do something to lose the weight I had gained. I'm not gonna lie, I tried taking these diet pills that basically made me a crazy person but I lost 6 pounds in like a week! I really felt convicted about taking them because I was basically starving myself. So, I tried to rationalize taking a different diet pill hoping it would make me less crazy while preventing me from being hungry. NOPE! I gained all 6 pounds back and then another 2! Sooooo, I remember standing on a scale feeling really frustrated and defeated. I wanted to see the results like, yesterday but I knew that wasn't going to be possible (unless my genius son, Brayden, invents the time machine which he is currently drawing the rendering for).

As I looked in the mirror I was disappointed that I let myself gain the weight and become unhealthy. Then God said, "Consistent. Just be consistent." No, I don't like that! I want to lay hands on myself and pray the weight away, like a creative miracle. YOU ARE A GOD WHO DOES MIRACLES! After I had my temper tantrum I put on my running shoes and decided to go for a run. I did that run where you are basically shuffling your feet. No bounce to my step just a speed walk/shuffle. Now, I KNOW how to run. I was the queen of running, I just didn't WANT to do it but I knew I had to do SOMETHING to change the way I felt and I heard, "consistent. Don't quit, just stay consistent."

Consistent is defined as: unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time. So consistent doesn't mean "quick fix" it means to endure and to be unwavering in you approach. UGH! This is so hard because we have been wired to want what we want, when we want it and we very rarely stay consistent, especially when we don't see the results we are looking for right away. I have been so guilty of getting upset and antsy when my life isn't moving as quickly as I would like it to, "GOD! When will you open that door?" "GOD! Why aren't you putting all of the pieces together?" "GOD! Why have you FORSAKEN ME???"

If I was God I would get headaches from rolling my eyes at humanity every second of every day. Forsaken me? It's been a week, calm down! We can overreact when we have to wait, when we have to stand in faith and believe HE will fulfill His plans and purposes in His time. I'm going to get super transparent and shine a light on my vanity here for a second. I know one day I will be called to stand on a platform to speak but my focus had been on the recognition and the "fame" that it would bring and I completely lost sight of what being called to do that actually meant. I made it all about ME and removed HIM from the equation. I remember pouting and asking God why that door hadn't opened for me! He said, "If you can't be consistent with spending time with me, learning MY Word and being my daughter without a platform, how can I trust you to be consistent WITH a platform?" Then God dropped the mic and walked away.

Maybe you want to get into better shape, maybe you want to write a book, maybe you want to start your own business, maybe you want to have your own non-profit, maybe you want to be a politician, maybe you want to be a musician and have a record deal. In order for you to accomplish that goal, you have to stay consistent. One small step at a time. One day at a time. One good choice at a time. Choosing not to quit when it's hard. Not to quit when there is ZERO applause or recognition. Don't quit when you aren't seeing the results. Anything that will last for the long haul takes time to build. Your consistency (and Jesus...mostly Jesus) will get you to where you are called to go.

8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. 9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:8-9

So when our focus is on self, we won't get very far because our talent will run out eventually. When we sow seeds from the spirit we will reap a harvest that has eternal effects. We have to consistently choose God's way of doing things so when we reap a harvest, it brings life to us. We can't quit when we are stretched or challenged by God, we can't grow weary when we are walking down the path God has set us on. He hasn't created us to quit but rather, to keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter what lies before us.

1. What areas of your life do you need to be more consistent in?

2. Are you frustrated that you aren't farther along with your goals or dreams? If so, why?

3. Do you feel like you have grown weary? If so, in what areas?

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