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Now What?

Featured on Real Women Ministries. You can check out their website here.

So, it’s the day after the election. After months and months of campaigning, debating, fund raising and interviewing we have voted and our new president has been elected. Some of you may be overwhelmingly excited because the candidate you voted for “won” and some of you might be wondering how quickly you can move out of the country because the candidate you voted for is not the new president. This post is for those who fall into the latter category, the ones who are asking, “now what?”

In the moments when we feel confused and frustrated, we NEED to hear from God, we need His peace and clarity and we need to hear His perspective on the situation. Ephesians 1:17 says, “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.” The reason we need the spirit of wisdom and revelation is to know Him better, and when we know HIM better we begin to see things from His perspective. When we see things from His perspective we take on His heart concerning the things of this world and we can begin to pray with clarity and boldness.

When we face times of uncertainty we need to remember that God has not fallen off of His throne. No matter how chaotic the world becomes scripture makes it very clear that HIS name is above every other name (Philippians 2:9). The name of Jesus, not the name of our president, is the final authority. He is the one who is in control, He is our provider, He is our source and when we stand on this truth we aren’t overwhelmed with fear or confusion because we know He is faithful to provide all that we need in seasons like these. “Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). We need peace, clarity, hope, unity and grace and when we call on God He shows up as with the answers we are looking for.

Perhaps you fear this new leaders morals or values, perhaps you are afraid this new president will be an AWFUL leader. Humanity has had to endure poor leadership from the beginning of time HOWEVER, God can use good AND bad leadership to carry out His plans and purposes. It’s not our “job” to worry or fear because honestly worry and fear dilute our ability to hear the voice of God, our “job” is to pray for those in leadership (1 Timothy 2:1-4) even when we don’t agree with who that leader is. When we fear and worry we are removing the authority and sovereignty of God from the equation and we begin to look at the situation through our temporal perspective which always falls short of Gods perspective.

Proverbs 21:1 tells us, “A king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD; he guides is wherever he pleases.” You don’t have to be scared that God’s reach stops at the front door of the White House, He has the ability to direct and guide the president even when we believe poor choices are being made God is still in the midst of it. You don’t need to fear “policies” “laws” or “elections” because God hasn’t thrown in the towel, given up on us and left us to our own devices. He sees all and knows all and He is going to do what He needs to do to glorify His name and carry out His will for our nation.

I encourage you to ask God to open your ears to HIS voice. Especially now, we will read the articles, hear the news stories, listen to our co workers who ALWAYS have opinions, see the protesters and social media will be the battle ground for people to try and prove a point. Filter what “truths” you allow to plant in your heart. Does that “truth” line up with the truth of God’s Word? If not, disregard it. I know we are human and we have emotions but our emotions shouldn’t dictate how we live our life, our emotions should not have permission to steal our peace and joy, our emotions are temporary but God’s truth is not and THAT is the tool we should use to navigate seasons like these. Pray. We all need to pray even if the person we voted for WAS elected we still need to pray. Don’t allow this election or any future elections to distract you from the responsibility we all have to pray! God is moved by our faith not fear, so ask God to give you peace, faith and joy as we embark on these next four years.

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